How to prepare for prison and how to survive inside a prison with federal prison consultant RDAP Dan.
Dan Wise also explained what jail is like for men vs. what is jail like for a woman. RDAP Dan breaks down what is "R.D.A.P." (Residential Drug Abuse Program) for those preparing for jail and those who are scared of going to jail.
Most people enter jail having nothing and knowing nothing about what they will need to survive, Dan’s company prepares people for their jail sentence.
This episode includes: How to prepare for prison, the first day in jail “survival kit”, and everything you need to know preparing to go to federal prison. Rdap Dan shared his top 10 things you should know about federal prison, jail vs prison - what's actually the difference, and his story working for a “pill mill”.
This was an interesting and emotional ride, I hope you enjoy it.
P.S. - I apologize for the audio quality, my mic lost connection. Won’t happen again!
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Takis (real name Peter Takis) is a DJ/ producer from Winnipeg, Canada.